Inspiration by the Buckets.....
I know this is long overdue, and I must make a note to self to think of this more often. I have been out accumulating masses of inspiration and hopefully it will be fun at the studio the next week or so, before I take an extended break for the next couple of months. The US trip is coming up soon, then by the time we're back, it'll be Christmas preparations, Christmas itself/New Year's....etc.
But, the past weeks I have been up in the mountains in the middle of Norway at Geilo. The fall hiking is absolutely amazing, and I have taken full advantage of the trails. The photos will be reviewed to try to recapture some of the feeling/smells/tastes of the rustic atmosphere. There was snow, ice, boulders, heather, blueberry bushes (with berries), wind, and sunshine. I have had one of the best re-charge sessions ever, so this will have to be done on a more regular basis. One determining factor for the ability to cancel out the rest of the civilized world was that I was mostly alone....only me and my thoughts, paints, books. I ate simply, drank only water and tea/coffee, with the occasional splurge with wine, no schedules, no stress. It was wonderful. I couldn't recommend this stronger to anyone...Peace.
We could all use more of it, and it's relatively free....a long walk, hike, bike ride. Use the body like it was meant to be used and feel your mind calm right down. Nature has some remarkable qualities to heal and restore. And Inspire. Peace to you all.