Sunday, April 30, 2023

 Turning the Corner on Winter--almost.

Things have been very busy these past few months, what with exhibits and new courses and I am currently towards the end of a course that's been 3 months long and soooo interesting. The school is AM Kunstskole, an online course with a leader from Oslo and only 8 participants. This is so much more personal and intense than any past course/school I've taken. I decided to invest in a Norwegian course to maybe get a better idea of how the art circles in Norway work. They are so much more exclusive here and not receptive to artists who haven't gone to the "approved" art institutions, here-or abroad. PAPERS are everything here. It makes the long road of working it out on the "outside" track much harder. Talk about having a handicap right from the start, before a gallerist will even consider looking at your work you're boxed in tight. Anyway, I just can't let any of that get in my way. I have been to plenty of art schools and taken many wonderful courses, and had a studio for 26 years, so I think my dedication and abilities, and style have evolved to a very good place. I am a member of several artists communities and don't see that changing any time soon. I'm in it for the long haul.  

Anyway, about Spring....where are YOU??? We had a whole week of "summer" about a week ago, and then some ungodly cold Arctic air just moved in.  We've now had snow, wind, rain, and grey clouds hanging around for over a week now and it doesn't look like it's leaving any time soon. UGH!!! All I can say is that it makes for no guilty feelings for spending hours in the studio every day.  I have painted, drawn and collaged on massive amounts of paper and canvas these past months, and feel confident that a series of work is being born, of which I will be constantly evolving into future work. One series feeds the next. I've gotten so many ideas for future work out of this newest course, that I can't wait to get on with it after I turn in my current series to AM Kunstskole. Annette Martens is the instructor with just the right amount of empathy/criticism/questioning/enthusiasm. I'm a sponge and she is the well. Here's a bit of new work from the last year. 

Tomorrow's a new day and nobody knows what it will bring, but just showing up guarantees that SOMETHING will. I hope it's a good day for you, too.