Getting My Blogging Act Together
So long since last writing. I don't want anyone to think that I haven't been painting/exhibiting/working on ways to renew my work. All of the above have been on my plate these past 10 months. Also, I took on a Creative Visionary Program which was 3 months of intensive art inspiration and technique to give me tools to see where my own art was hitting the wall, and how to move beyond it. These principles have been invaluable to analysing my paintings from every angle and proposing possibilities that I never expected/intended to use.
Last November I had a small in-house exhibit with a fellow artist and it was as though people were so happy to have an event right in the neighbourhood, it was well visited. Thousands of people live in this area and hundreds of them walk past our building every day, and on the weekends, as well. Corona protocols were in place for visitors (masks/contact tracing/hand sanitiser) and art was sold and new acquaintances made. Planning to do this again in the next month, before the darkness of winter sets in again.
I also moved from the studio that I have have rented for 25 years, to a larger studio in the same building, with much better light (north and northeast), more room, and a large storage closet. I can breath again! Funny how when we are ready for a change, the possibilities pop up. Very lucky. That move had me clearing out and cleaning up. Artists tend to save materials and objects and photos and ....... all kinds of things that can be used for reference at some later date. It was good to go through these things and toss out/recycle/revisit those objects and start over with a clearer/cleaner studio.
Working has never been a problem for me-I live very close to my studio and it's super convenient to walk there most days for painting sessions. Aside from the 32 small wooden panels I produced for the CVProgram, I have re-worked older paintings, and started 6-7 new works. I can now better assess what wasn't working with those and make corrections. It is a process that doesn't have me holding on to canvases just because I have "something" that works, but also something that doesn't work. I used to just put the painting "aside" for a while and hope some insight would hit me at a later date. Now I put it out, get rid of what's not working right away, and take the thing in a new direction, using elements of what was working and building on that. I have many new tools that I find invaluable for creating texture and bringing up the sheen in an otherwise dull acrylic finish. There are so many types of products to blend with acrylic paint that I was not aware of, but now understand their usage. Progress!
I have had a long summer vacation (6 weeks) which has hindered me in continuing on the roll I was on after completing the CVProgram, so the past 2 weeks I have been finding my footing again and getting my mind back into a painting modus. Do not recommend this long a break unless you have equipment with you, and the privacy to use them.
I am attaching some of my work from the past 6 months-proof that I have not been slouching and that I continue to develop and evolve. Thanks for reading, and leave a comment if you wish.
80 x 100 cm. acrylic and mixed medium on canvas |
40 x 50 cm. acrylic & mixed media on canvas
40 x 50 cm. acrylic & mixed media on canvas
80 x 80 cm. acrylic on canvas
40 x 30 cm. acrylic and mixed media on canvas
40 x 50 cm. acrylic & mixed media on canvas