Sunday, August 18, 2013

Halfway through August Exhibit.....

A good morning from the kitchen table in Sandviken (Bergen......Norway). The view was sooo gray when I woke up, but the fog is slowly lifting, and my spirits with it.  My day is shaping into a repeat of the past 3 days, but that's a good thing.  Not that it's everything, but so far this exhibit, 5 paintings have found new homes, and today I have people coming in with the expressed intention of purchasing.
The fact that people react so positively to my work keeps me plugging away, cause even though I paint for me, the feedback is so positive that I know my work resonates.  Sharing a work is gratifying for both parties. Hoping for more people to take the step.....into an art gallery.....mine, or anyone else's, because if we don't get over our phobia for art, we're locked into taking 'others' word for what is and isn't good work. I get the feeling that the idea of art is so exclusive and out of reach for the majority of people that they just don't dare even step in the door of a gallery. BE BRAVE. GET OVER YOUR INFERIORITY complex and trust your own taste, BUT, in order to determine what it is that you like and don't like, you have to go look at enough art to have an opinion! It's fun, and it can be very moving. It can make you laugh, cry, anger you or give you insight through an image, made by a person who is better at communicating through making images, than through words.
Have a great Sunday!

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