Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It's now a day off from the Gallery, and I am catching up on some important "other" projects that I have going. While going through very old photos and documents, I came across some old letters that I sent to my husband, mother, grandmother, and their return answers from the years soon after our moving to Norway. I sat a while with these old memories, and relished them. They gave me strength during a time in my life that I was unsure of. Had I made a mistake in moving to Bergen? Would I ever master the language and customs? Would I ever be accepted by "real" norwegians? With one foot in Norway and another in the US, I felt privileged, yet, torn.  Here I am 37 years later, reflecting…..so happy that I didn't give in to insecurity and the uncomfortable feeling of leaving behind everything familiar and loved.  We take giant leaps of faith all the time in our lives, not knowing where we will end up. We make decisions and then anguish about how they will pan out. I felt that I had to follow my heart, and it has been the best gauge of what is right and good. The insecurity turned into security….likewise with the rest of the negatives. Life is good and it is getting better all the time…..just give it….time.

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