Saturday, August 14, 2010

One week in to the exhibit, and I must say that I have never had such a good response to an collection of new paintings before. The enthusiasm is so encouraging/confirming what my gut feeling was when I hung it up. So the fact is that I am still waiting for the first person to commit to buying a piece. Can't be the work, because never have I had an exhibit before that was so well received. Some are not trusting their own judgement, and must go and bring back a husband/wife/friend, to confirm what they already know....they want their favorite piece (or to, or three)....I know that times are tough, so I'm patient, knowing that the pieces are so good that it's like anything else that you see that makes a deep impression on won't rest until you have it. I am looking forward to the next week or two, cause that is when the action will start happening..........

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