Monday, October 3, 2011

Where has the time's October already. One BIG fall storm is upon us as I write this, and the wind and waves outside the window leave me in awe of nature. Too bad it's dark outside, but I think this is supposed to last a couple of days, so tomorrow morning I may see more of the rage.
Painting, anyone? I think of all the artists around me who are in the middle of their processes-digging deep inside and dragging up all kinds of ideas that were so far down that they thought they were safe there. NOPE. That's what it's like to be alone with yourself when you're creating (at least for me). It doesn't just happen. You have to make it happen... with attention and patience. Also, you just have to LET it happen. I find that music helps...all kinds of music, depending on my mood and where I am in the process of the projects at hand. If I am totally present with myself, not somewhere else, listening and keeping still, I will talk myself into all kinds of solutions. It's exciting. It's what keeps me coming back to the studio and the paints. I have been away tooooo long, and now that the days are shortening and getting rough, I am soon going to hide out in my own space, with my own company, and see what I find.

Monday, August 29, 2011

It's time for some time off.....

It's Monday, the 30th of August. Today I took down the exhibit and drove it back to the studio. I am trying hard to make sense of the results of this year's exhibit, and I think it boils down to lack of funds. From the response of the visitors I have had, everything could have been sold many times over, so I'm chalking it up to a knot in their cash flow.  People who come in to an art gallery are sometimes other artists, looking to be inspired. I get it, and do it myself. I also need to see what's out there on the market, and in the museums, so that I can gauge my own work's qualities against what is considered the bar of excellence. I have travelled and visited some of the great museums and galleries in the world, so I have a good idea of what quality is. Most of all, I try to follow my own heart and impulses when creating. I don't paint like anyone I've seen before, and sometimes when I paint something, I say to myself 'that doesn't look like anything I've seen before in a book, or art venue elsewhere'. 'Must not be good if I haven't seen it done by someone who is a 'role model' for me. Then I grab myself by the neck and shake well, because that is exactly what makes my work 'me'. I can't paint like someone else, THANK GOD. The work is progressing from year to year. Those who have followed the work for many years now see it very clearly. I am thankful that I have at least one very loyal and lovely sponsor who encourages me to keep up the work and knows that one day, I won't be writing blog articles like this any more!
To all those who have purchased paintings now and in the past (more than I can count) I'm honored. I won't let you down ... future paintings are awaiting me back in the studio, so they can come to life. Time is on my side.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Showing up for the work....

Except for Monday and Tuesday, I have been at the gallery every day for a minimum of 4 hours.....mostly 5 or 6, cause I like to open as soon as I show up (11:00 or 11:30) and stay when I see that there are still many people out wandering around the street. I have been rewarded by having the most positive feedback yet in terms of visitors loving the palette of colors, the compositions, and nearly every painting has it's scores of fans. Out of 17 paintings, only one has yet to be singled out for praise by at least one person. How amazing.  So, I'm wondering, am I expecting too much when I expect better results than last year's exhibit? Each year's production is different, yet my signature brushwork and color palette are in place, as are the uplifting feelings that I feel reverberate from the canvas. I'm not one to politicize art, or provoke and disturb the viewer. I aim for soothing calmness, or positive energy. A painting, for me, has to give me a lift when I confront it. I WANT to surround myself with the energy or the peacefulness of nature. My interpretation of these states of mind, have found a home on a piece of cloth, much like a author writes, a musician plays and instrument, or an actor uses the stage.  I am at a loss to understand why the step is so large to say 'yes' to surrounding oneself with inspiration, instead of things from IKEA, or other objects that a million other people have. You will probably never regret buying a piece of art, but how much junk do you find at garage sales or 'lope markeds'? Own something that keeps giving back. If you 'connect' with a piece, go for it. I will regret seeing my work disappear, but I can continue to investigate the realm of painting, and who knows where that will take me. I look forward to each new day in the studio. The gift keeps giving.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Exhibit 2011, best yet.....

The paintings are up, the door is open and the first painting has been sold. I feel real good about this year's exhibit. The response from total strangers, friends and family has been so completely positive that I am looking forward to the rest of the month in a big way. I have posted new photos on my FB and will try to put them on here, but am having trouble with the sizing and placement here.

Lille Atelier is just the right size and location and you would think that we would be bombarded with requests from independent artists to rent the space for their own exhibit. I guess that many artists are expecting to get discovered, or waiting until their work is good enough for a shot at a commercial gallery in this city-or another. I say, take your work out yourself and make it happen. Make sure you have quality, and when you do, put it in a fantastic 'wrapper' and expose it. Lille Atelier is that 'wrapper', but there is alot of work involved in putting your own exhibit together, and being the one that meets and talks to the public when they come in. Scarey......yes. Rewarding......yes.  Not for everyone, maybe. I enjoy it, and the feedback is invaluable.  I'll get back to this blog in a day or so....... when I get a break. Thanks for reading and following. Cheers! C.

Monday, July 25, 2011

2 weeks until Exhibit.....

So, now it's been so very long since I last wrote here that I nearly forgot how to log on! The past 6 months have been very hectic, I feel. The home life has been demanding more of my attention...lots of new "toys" for us to furnish and it has taken my focus away from the studio, unfortunately. I can hardly believe that on August 6th, I will be opening an exhibit at Lille Atelier. I have started to prepare the paintings (eye screws and wire, painting around all the sides to clean up the "look", deciding what goes and what doesn't) and design a poster and some postcards, but I still have to pull this together in a convincing way. I'm not nervous, and am actually looking forward to getting my production out into a venue where people can check them out. I've painted a good deal of smaller format pieces for this year's exhibit, and feel that they are representative for the state of mind that has followed me for the past 12 months. All the plants and foliage that I love from my trip to Singapore's botanical gardens have crept in, as well as some personal "downers" that have affected the colors that I have chosen this time around. The fantastic sunsets from my balcony have been few and far between, so I have been inspired to create a few of my own.  Hoping that I will connect with the right people at the right time, in the right place from August 6th until August 31st. Maybe it will be you. Please stop in. It's nice to just be able to show people what I do locked away in 25 square meters of studio space most of the year. I'll write more as I get closer to D-day........ (Lille Atelier, Lille Øvregt. 16, Bergen, Norway)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

winter is diminishing

OMG, it is almost spring....the snow has disappeared by almost a meter (3 ft.) just since last weekend when we were at Geilo.  We are here again this weekend, and having real good time. Today it has been VERY cold...sat out on the back porch this afternoon, drinking champagne (!!!!) and my fingers were icy cold! The glass of bubbly was cold and clear, but my fingers were cold and stiff!!! The new apartment is nearly ready---taking over next week..believe it or not.  Come for a LONGGGGG weekend!
Needless to say, my painting has come alittle in the shadows, but next week and the week after that, and all the other weeks this year are going to be dedicated to PAINT!!  I will be ready when the exhibit falls onto me like a weight of stones.
Hope all of you are going to have a great weekend. The game is over...Norge/Denmark 1-1....!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Back in the Saddle

Hi every(any)one....the weekend at Geilo was just what I needed-alittle get away from the crappy weather here on the coast. Why can't it (the weather) just be sunny and make everyone happy?  I seriously need a bunch of SOL (sun, in norwegian). The weather on Saturday turned out to be a blizzard, so instead of driving up, we had to take the train, as all the roads from east to west (an visa versa)were closed! Nothing like being holed up in a warm house with the fireplace going and a bottle of Amarone. We didn't have a clue about what to do about dinner, so we called a cab and ate at Hallingstuene....wonderful as usual.
The men worked all day Saturday, so the skiing got shoved further and further down the priority list, until it finally was too late, so-no skiing this weekend. A nice long walk to work up an appetite and a simple dinner was in order.
Now that tomorrow is a back-in-the-studio day, I wonder what I will come up with. After a hefty-weather weekend, I feel invigorated by the forces of nature. Snow, wind and cold temperatures/contrasted with huddling inside keeping the hearth warm...hummmmmm.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year-New Determination

2011!!!! Where did the time go to? I couldn't believe that the last update to this blog was the end of October, although I do know that I have not had much painting time since we returned from the U.S. So, now it's January 2011, and of course, like everyone else, it's time to take the bull by the horns and get my act together.
The studio time this week has been enlightening. After such a long break, I could see right away what direction to go with two of the paintings started several months ago. It is one of the good things about having alittle break, because your perception clears and new options present themselves. I have been updating the look of this blog and trying to customize it, although it seems I have unanswered questions about the size and placement of photos I want here. I will get it right eventually-attacking it like I do everything else that I determine to resolve. Today I will attack 3 paintings that have seemed at a stalemate, and either I will simplify, or decide on an idea which will take me out of the woods and into a plan....
Don't really like PLANS, but it's like rules.....made to be broken. I will keep in touch. Cheers.