Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday already...wondering how today will develop. I have been rewarded with some movement of paintings, and am sure that as the month progresses, those who are on the fence will be back to claim a piece for themselves. Brochures are flying out the door faster than I can make them, and I have used a fortune on printer ink and glossy 180 gm. professional paper...but they are nice!! Love my Mac and iWorks.....Gotta get myself into the Gallery in an hour, and have yet to do the most basic preparations (clothes??, food, reading material??) My wish is that the people of Bergen would trust their own instincts more and not think that because I have priced my work on the lower end of the "original art work" scale, there must be something to be leary of. I did it because I WANT those who want my work to be able to afford it, and for me to be able to replenish my dwindling canvas stock and get some new stretchers-and my landlord (for the studio) has just increased the rent's not cheap to make art, but I'm doing my bit to make it affordable.


andrea said...

it is hard to price up art work, because if it is too cheap, people don't think it has any value, and if it is too expensive then people think you are being cheeky. I have an artist friend who doesn't price the work, but leaves it open to offers.

connie solberg said...

Yea, the eternal dilemma. I try to explain that since I save having to pay the gallery owner all of those expenses, I am passing the savings along to the perspective buyers. My work isn't cheap, just not what it would be if the gallery was tacking on 40-50%.....I have thought several times about putting up a sign "make me an offer I can't refuse", and taking it from there, but it just seems tooooooo unprofessional.